Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Musica

I am listening to new things. As I often do. [Most of] these things aren't new. They're just new to me.

Bon Iver EP
Free Design
Fleet Foxes
M. Ward
Erin McCarley

Anyone else listening to some awemazing things???


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yew Near

Happy New Year, all!

I've decided that Iowa is NOT the place for a New Year's Eve bash. It really kind of sucks. But what can ya do? I guess that's bum-fuck nowhere for ya.

Anywho, I had a thought the other day:

I forgot it, though. I'm sure it was insightful or something. or maybe it was just that I wanted a sandwich or something.

At any rate, I suppose I just wanted to say happy new year. If you're readin' this, what'd you do to celebrate? something awesome? something lame (which is cool too. we need people like you, bringin' up that end of things. Power to the lame, my friend)? do you even remember???

Alrighty, well I'm awatchin' 30 Rock (amazing show, isn't it?) so i'm out. kkhave fun on the blog-o-sphere, folks.

-Rioter the Rosie, I am.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Carnation Milk!!!


Sound it out. It's fun, I swear. Try it! "Bulll-ay!!!!" well maybe not exactly like that. but whatever.

Having a lovely day? no one reads, so i hope all of you non-readers and doing fantastically. unless you've been an asshole today. in which case they have your room reserved in hell. hope you like yo' shit HOT.

Anywho! What happened to me today?

I did some french hornin' (not as dirty as it sounds, unfortunately)

came home


Binged on Ingrid Michaelson-ness

Went to a Madrigal Dinner. It was pretty good stuff.

And now I am here. Blogging on a Friday Night. Why, you ask? Well, friends, because my friends are either 1) taking the ACT tomorrow [good luck, Mr. M!] or 2) being weasels! Weasel means many different things. None of these things are probably very good. There is also a third category in which my friends were in ze madrigal, but this is small category, much like the Green Party. Actually, it's not that small...whateverz! I don't even care anymore!

Anywayyyy...I have little more to add....

oohhhh perhaps i should do a wittle review of a book i read! those are funnn...

okay. so it was called Let it Snow.

It was good.

that is all :D

if you're reading this absurd shit that i post, i love you! probably.

my eyes hurt.
my hair hurts.
my fingernails hurt.

I'm very sleepy.
if you couldn't tell

i wrote a short little thing for my lit class today about driving out in a snow storm in search of a ukulele. this never happened, though the assignment was to write about a pesonal life experience. sometimes fiction's just irrestible, right-o? eyes hurt. I'm gonna watch Grey's Anatomy so I can ponder the meaning of life before concluding that life is hopeless after the show is over (does GA make anyone else feel like this?! that show is fucking depressing! Wowza.)

Have a fabulous friday night, folks!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Srsly, Ur Mawm!

Hello, citizens of the blog-o-sphere.

I'm here in lovely Chicago, and I thought I'd blog a teensy bit about the happenings in good ol' Chi Town.

Soooo, today was the first day of Samsung Mobile Fresh Films (read: mouthful). Good stuff, overall. The people seem pretty kick ass. We did some casting today, and guess who came in?! Evan "The Rocket"! From American Gladiator. I read with the guy. It was pretty surreal. Oh, and a guy that was in The Dark Knight came too. It was kickin'. We were in a casting agency and people had head shots and stuff, and we had to go through their agents to even talk to them about callbacks. This shit is legit, my friends.

Oh, and a guy that was in School of Rock is going to be starring in our little film as well. It's gonna be a blast.

Remember to vote for the Chicago film in a few weeks at!!!

Rioter, lolz!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

MacBook Pro

So, I was definitely watching One Tree Hill, and Lucas, Brooke, and Peyton all have MacBook Pros. If you watch the show, you get it, if not, just know that it's awesome

This is a pointless post, but whatever, it's ramblin' time.

I like pinecones. And I want a hippopotamus. Cos they're awesome. And kind of scary. The Donnas totally rock. So does Ingrid Michaelson. I like peacoats. And coffee. And scary movies. And not scary movies. I like writing, and hot cocoa. I want to go to California. And I want to go to New York too. I'm kind of indecisive, and I definitely don't have a tolerance for the self-centered and self-absorbed. I'm also kind of tired of being made fun of for how i spend my time. I'm not whining, but this is MY blog, right? I'm just saying, if you do happen to read this, think a little bit harder about what you're saying before you decide to cut someone else down for what they like to do, what they listen to, what they watch, what they write, whatever. Because really, you're just going to burn bridges. I don't know how this turned into a speech, but whatever. I'm moving on. I like Starbucks, and Spiderman. I love my guitars, and even though they're dusty and inanimate, I think they kind of like it in my room. I kinda want to get out of the house, but I want to be alone. I want to go to the cemetary, and visit the grave where someone was buried Friday morning. For some illogical and unfounded reason, I don't think many people came. Lack of footprints in the snow or something. I want a car. No, I want MY car. The one I've wanted since I was old enough to know I should want something. I want a typewriter, because I think they're totally cool, and it would be awesome to write on. I want my own apartment, with big floor-to-ceiling windows, high ceilings, white carpet, and hardwood floors. I also want a wine rack, and to be able to drink wine on my nice, white couch and watch reruns. I want to visit an art museum, and not have to worry about what someone else thinks of a painting. I also want to visit an art museum and know all about what someone else thinks of it, so long as its the person I'm happy being there with. I want a big house in the mountains, because they're beautiful, and snow never gets old. I want a 9 foot christmas tree in my living room, and i want to sleep on my large couch, right next to it, every night in December. I want just one room, with nothing but a desk and a stereo, because I can't write with a ton of clutter around. I want a huge staircase in my mountain house, like the one in titanic. I'm not sure why. I want cupboards under the stairs, because I always thought they'd be pretty cool for a movie room. Don't ask why. I want to take a months-long vacation to another country, or several different countries, because I'm so tired The people here, sometimes. I want to get away, and find people who don't tell dumb jokes, don't lie to your face, don't hide things from you, don't push you until you feel like you're at the edge of a fucking cliff, don't make you feel inferior or guilty when they have no right, and just let you 'be', regardless of how corny it sounds. Okay, maybe the dumb jokes are okay, but I'm so tired of dirty jokes i could puke. I want an otterhound, the kind of dog that'll lay on the couch, with its head in you're lap, perfectly content with watching whatever movie you like. I want to go to England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, France, Hungary, Romania, Albania, the Czech Republic, and Whoville too. I want to go to Macy's, because everyone looks happy on the commercials. I want to be around people who don't act like assholes, and I want to be around people who listen to what you say, simply because you listen to them. I want to be around people who aren't going to treat me like crap one day, and decide to be nice the next. I want to go someplace alone, and have someone offer to join me with the simple hope of having a good conversation. I want to drive across the country, and meet people along the way. I want to meet the type of person that decides to come with me, because they're tired of the way life was. I want a lot of things, obviously. But what I really want is to know that people are capable of just talking, listening, traveling, sleeping, dancing, laughing, joking, crying, opening presents, walking down the street, listening to the radio, or reading the same newspaper without irritating each other, or without fighting, without strings attached. I want to know that there are people who can just be happy with somebody based on who they are, what they love, and how they talk, or read, or live. I want to know that being around people who are only there for you when its convenient, or because they think they're going to get something in return isn't as good as it gets, and that there's more than one person who won't take advantage of how you feel. I need to know that I'm not obligated to do things that I don't want to do because someone thinks I owe it to them. I need to have a little faith in the human race, and I guess I need more than one person to show me that the whole species isn't just a big, fucking waste. Oh, and I want a grand piano next to my 9 foot Christmas tree.

That was long, but it's all true. I'm going to the piano, I don't know why. Then I'm gonna watch TV. I hope at least a little of it was coherent. Or maybe I don't. Maybe that kind of thing isn't they type of thing that needs to make sense, or the type of thing that should make sense. Maybe the whole thing really is just...a riot...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas, the Riot, and a few tunes.

Whoa! Two posts? In the same week? Now that's unheard of. Anywhoozle, I'z here to check in. I'm going to Atlanta Thursday on some trip I'm not 100% sure will be okay, but I figure I'd better get my bloggin' fix in, eh? So, here I am.

This are goin' well in this part of the riot. Most of the time. My uncle's here from out of town, which is really nice. And guess what? He knew the guy who wrote for 'One Tree Hill' and wrote 'She's All That'. Nifty, huh? I thought so, anyway.

Moving on, I'm pretty excited for the Holiday season. It's definitely my favorite time of year. Snow, cold, trees, lights, etc. It's just great :D. I can't wait until I spend my first Christmas in my New York apartment. Sounds cheesy, but it's been my dream for years.

Alrighty, onto business. I've got this nifty little playlist thing ima post on here. Some of my current and lasting favorites. Thought my find it interesting. ish.

Hugs & Drugs,

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Dunno...

So i figured i should post something here, considering its been nearly a month. My bad lawlz.

Anywhoosers, I'm at a tech team retreat at the moment, typin' on a MacBook, which is, you guessed it, amazing. <<< Biggest run-on sentence ever.

I don't really have a ton to say right now except that everything's going pretty well right now. Don't tell anyone, but I've actually got the urge to write *le gasp*

I've got an idea for my film festival movie as well, and I'm gonna need some serious help with it, so if your interested, plz plz plz give me a shout. Comment fa sho. It'll be amazing.

Love Always,
Mac Fangirl :P
